Dr. Cynthia Grace Psy. D
Psychologist, Healing Codes Coach, Speaker, Educator, Advocate.

Dr. Cynthia Grace, Licensed Clinical psychologist
Dr. Cynthia Grace is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Certified Healing Codes Coach, educational seminar leader, motivational speaker, and advocate for organ donation. Dr. Grace specializes in supporting patients, caregivers, and others impacted by the journey of acute and chronic medical illness. Dr. Grace draws from a depth of personal history and a wealth of applied professional experience in addressing the unique and multifaceted needs of those suffering with physical illness.
What is Angels of Grace
Angels of Grace started as a nonprofit organization, whose mission was aimed at building awareness of the need for organ donation. Over time, the charter grew to include promoting advocacy in medical settings and instilling hope, empowerment and whole healing, in patients, caregivers and family members encountering any kind of medical illness.
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The Second Chance Self: A Journey of Endless Beginnings
Research studies have shown that caregivers and medical patients are often traumatized by the experience of illness, as well as the medical treatments that are received.
Dr. Grace’s research corroborates the data; however, her findings, based on first-hand accounts of patients and caregivers, reveal that personal growth, spiritual healing, and transformation are also possible.
Through Dr. Grace’s personal journey, professional training, and ceaseless effort, she assists others on their journey to find a silver lining of hope, meaning, and renewal, that might inspire them to also find, a second chance self.